
Osteopathy is a manual examination and treatment method that was founded in 1874 by Andrew Taylor Still. The principle of osteopathy refers to the mobility, elasticity and supply of all connective tissue structures in the human body. The movements of the tissues, the individual body parts and organ systems as well as their interaction are examined and treated in the event of limitations. The osteopath finds and treats movement restrictions on three levels: craniosacral system, visceral system and parietal system. This can influence blood circulation, pain and the body's ability to detoxify.


Homeopathy goes back to the German doctor, pharmacist and chemist Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). Homeopathy has gained a firm place in therapy in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. In classical homeopathy, individual remedies are prescribed after a homeopathic anamnesis. In complex remedy homeopathy, mixtures of the potentiation of different remedies are used. By testing the remedies using clinical kinesiology, it is easy for the experienced person to establish a connection to the corresponding course of the disease. This makes the use of homeopathy a calculable therapy option in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. A reference to the disturbed functional circuits can also be established in this way. The injection of homeopathic remedies into acupuncture points of certain organ systems and functional circuits is called homeosiniatry. Antihomotoxic homeopathy deals with the effects of toxins in the organism and considers the disease as a biologically appropriate response to external and internal homotoxins.

orthomolecular medicine

Orthomolecular medicine includes the treatment of health disorders with micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and enzymes. Due to the unfavorable composition of today's food, sometimes lack of important vitamins and minerals, new problems and health hazards arise. The orthomolecular treatment is used for the targeted replenishment of important vital substances (according to laboratory analysis) in order to protect cells and their mitochondria (energy suppliers of cells). In the course of this, laboratory checks and adjustments to the intake of vital substances are carried out. Longer therapy periods are often to be taken into account here.

The deficits can be determined qualitatively using the methods of clinical kinesiology and the arm length reflex test. Orthomolecular therapy plays an important role in the treatment of chronic diseases, chronic pain and energy deficiency syndrome.

naturopathic treatment

Naturopathic treatments are, so to speak, the proper handling and therapy of remedies that have been taken from nature as a substance or as a natural process. The classic naturopathic treatments distinguish, for example, between phytotherapy, nutritional therapy, balneotherapy, climate therapy, heliotherapy, thermotherapy, hydrotherapy, movement therapy, massage therapy, breathing therapy and others. However, therapeutic directions such as manual medicine, chiropractic, osteopathy, acupuncture, neural therapy, orthomolecular therapy, hyperthermia, immune modulation through lectins, electrotherapy, phytotherapy and homeopathy also belong in this category. The aim of using natural healing methods is to stimulate the body's own healing powers by setting a therapeutic stimulus. The stimulus-response principle is the dominant therapy principle,

neural therapy

Neural therapy is an injection and infusion method that mainly uses the local anesthetic procaine. This "neural therapeutic agent" has extremely important biological properties that make it indispensable for many treatment purposes. Neural therapy is mainly used to treat pain and chronic diseases. The various methods of neural therapy are particularly effective for the most diverse forms of headache, back pain and lower abdominal pain. But the methods of neural therapy can also be used in the event of a lack of energy, hyperacidity and circulatory disorders. Pre- and postoperative neural therapy treatments accelerate the recovery process. A study published in Cancer Research in 2003 shows that that procaine has a tumor-inhibiting effect. Procaine obviously has the property of restoring lost genetic control functions. Procaine infusions play a major role in detoxification and deacidification treatments, removing toxins and acids from tissues and eliminating them. The combined procaine-base infusion represents a basic form of treatment for the therapy of chronic diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases and chronic pain conditions. With its specific effects, procaine is of great importance, especially for anti-aging therapy. As a result of the regenerative effect of procaine, immunological changes can also be positively influenced. A main focus of neural therapy is on the treatment of interference fields, especially in the jaw-tooth area and in the area of ​​the pelvis. Interference fields often cause the development of chronic pain and chronic diseases. Neural therapy is performed as a segment treatment, as a treatment of autonomic ganglia of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, as an infusion and as an intra-arterial vascular injection. Doctors are trained in certified courses in the German Society for Acupuncture and Neural Therapy.

Procaine base infusion

The procaine base infusion is one of the main pillars in the treatment of chronic inflammatory and chronic degenerative diseases. Procaine has important biological properties that trigger tissue regeneration. Procaine is a very small molecule with a high pH. The addition of sodium bicarbonate increases the lipophilic, membrane-penetrating properties of procaine and prolongs its effect. The high-dose procaine base infusion is the intravenous administration of procaine and sodium bicarbonate in an isotonic saline carrier solution. Often a series of several infusions takes place. Depending on the amount used, increasingly systemic reactions can be achieved. Due to the onset of vasodilation, areas of the body that are poorly supplied with blood or are poorly supplied with blood are optimally reached.


Acupuncture has its foundations in the natural-philosophical views of ancient Chinese culture and represents a knowledge based on experience that has been developed over thousands of years. Acupuncture is a reflex-therapeutic treatment method that is around 5000 years old. Recently, treatment has been carried out not only with needles, but also with heat, with laser beams or with vibrations. The treatment takes place at reflex points according to special laws on certain organ-related acupuncture meridians. This results in reflexive immediate effects, which make acupuncture an effective treatment tool, especially in the treatment of chronic pain, muscle tension and various functional disorders of the internal organs.

Applied Kinesiology

Kinesiology has the status of a neurological examination method in the USA. The clinical basis of the method is the manual examination of muscle function and its change in response to sensory stimuli. The sensory stimuli lead to a functional neurological change that can be evaluated immediately in biofeedback, since there are immediate changes in motor functions. Kinesiology is a primarily diagnostic method that can be used to test certain physiological reactions to stimuli by means of muscle testing. The functional relationships diagnosed in this way make it possible to make a statement about therapeutic measures and provide the possibility of monitoring the therapy. Structural, biochemical and psychological factors are tested. (e.g. psychokinesiology).


Manual chirotherapeutic techniques can be used to treat structural changes such as blockages in the spine or functional disorders in the musculo-skeletal area. These can be learned in courses. The effect of the chirotherapeutic manipulation can usually be seen immediately. Bioidentical hormone therapy This therapy is used to balance a hormonal imbalance with hormones that correspond to the body's own hormones. Bioidentical hormones have the same structure as endogenous hormones. Compared to synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones have fewer side effects. After the anamnesis and laboratory parameters have been determined, the corresponding hormones are prescribed in a certain dosage in the form of an ointment, cream or capsule. The therapy is used for thyroid disorders, adrenal insufficiency, Burn-out conditions, menstrual disorders in women, PCO syndrome and menopausal symptoms. Psychological symptoms can also be positively influenced.

ozone therapy

In ozone therapy, the ozone is introduced into a NaCl solution. This solution is then given to the patient via a drip infusion. Ozone therapy is used in medicine...

  • to activate the metabolism
  • to activate the immune cells
  • to activate the body's own antioxidants and radical scavengers
  • regeneration and revitalization
  • Areas of application for ozone therapy are
  • infected and poorly healing wounds
  • circulatory disorders
  • General immunodeficiency, susceptibility to infection, long-lasting infections
  • chronic inflammation
  • chronic diseases such as chronic muscle pain, arthrosis as well as rheumatic diseases and inflammatory bowel diseases
It is usually administered as a series of 6-10 infusions over a period of 3-5 weeks.

Intermittent Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Therapy (IHHT)

The IHHT therapy is an innovative treatment method for the regeneration of biological cell functions. In particular, a disrupted function of the mitochondria is regeneratively influenced. The aim is a generally increased performance, the reduction of inflammatory parameters and the treatment of chronic and degenerative disease processes. Exposure according to Dieter Broers The effective model of exposure according to D. Broers assumes that the application of the high-frequency magnetic field results in an energy input into the cells and thus into the DNA, which is particularly effective at 150 MHz. This means that local complaints can be alleviated or healed with local exposure. In addition, in terms of regulatory medicine, systemic complaints can also be treated holistically with suitable exposure. In addition to good medical knowledge, the correct application of the field also requires knowledge in the field of alternative healing methods. Knowledge of TCM and knowledge of modern, non-invasive diagnostic methods are helpful.

infusion therapy

  • procaine base infusion
  • Low-dose ozonation (ozone therapy)
  • Individual infusion programs after paraclinical metabolic analysis (e.g. with minerals, amino acids, vitamin combinations, phospholipids, ...)
  • Infusions to support body detoxification and the immune system (e.g. glutathione, vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid,...)
  • Infusions as part of biological tumor therapy
  • Chelation treatment to eliminate heavy metals

Cranial Electrostimulation (CES)

Cranial electrostimulation (CES) is a medical term used to describe an electromedical treatment method in which a small alternating current is supplied via two electrodes on the scalp or the auricles. The current strengths are less than one milliampere. CES therapy is currently used for the following diseases:

  • depression
  • chronic pain conditions
  • sleep disorders
  • chronic anxiety
An effect of the electric currents on the ascending reticular activation system, the limbic system and the hypothalamus is discussed. An influence on the electroencephalogram (EEG) could be proven in several studies. Neurotransmitter concentrations seem to be influenced by the CES. A treatment lasts about 20 minutes and is repeated several times.


Unresolved mental conflict patterns with a biographical background can trigger a wide variety of somatoform disorders. This method makes it possible to uncover conflict patterns through energetic test procedures and to decondition them. Biomechanical stimulation (Nazarov treatment) Biomechanical stimulation was developed by a Russian sports scientist, Prof. Dr. habil. Vladimir T. Nazarov, developed. Originally, it was used to improve performance in top-class sports, and then gradually to promote health. Mechanical vibrations, which are within the biological range of action of humans, are transmitted to nerve, connective and muscle tissue. This happens with vibrations that are between 20 and 40 Hz and an amplitude of 4-6mm. The muscles are brought into longitudinal sinus oscillation. The pumping activity removes old intercellular material, cleans the cell membranes and exposes the ion channels and thus cleanses the tissue. By activating any muscle group, Nazarov therapy increases the body's strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination. The blood circulation in the corresponding muscle and all organs connected to it is positively influenced. It therefore counteracts many of the usual signs of aging and wear and tear, intensifies muscle strength, improves the entire circulation, benefits the nervous system and stabilizes the connective tissue. Endurance, mobility and coordination of the body. The blood circulation in the corresponding muscle and all organs connected to it is positively influenced. It therefore counteracts many of the usual signs of aging and wear and tear, intensifies muscle strength, improves the entire circulation, benefits the nervous system and stabilizes the connective tissue. Endurance, mobility and coordination of the body. The blood circulation in the corresponding muscle and all organs connected to it is positively influenced. It therefore counteracts many of the usual signs of aging and wear and tear, intensifies muscle strength, improves the entire circulation, benefits the nervous system and stabilizes the connective tissue.


CERAGEM is a medical therapy table from Korea. Heat combined with movable jade stones stimulates the body's self-healing powers, relieves tension and pain. A back massage is carried out in combination with deep infrared heat. The spine relaxes, the spinal muscles are activated and irritated nerves are calmed.

ultrasound therapy

Therapeutic ultrasound uses sound waves with frequencies between 1-4MHz. The body region to be treated is covered with a contact gel to ensure optimal sound transmission. The transducer is then moved evenly and slowly over the area to be treated. The effect of therapeutic ultrasound is achieved by converting part of the sound energy into friction energy/absorption, which primarily produces a thermal effect. Ultrasound therapy is preferably used on joints, bony structures and muscle tissue. Therapeutic ultrasound is one of the most effective deep heating methods with the special feature of the narrowly defined heat development. In addition to the tissue heating, there is also an additional “micro-massage” triggered by vibrations. Therapeutic ultrasound supports the body's own self-healing processes and has a pain-relieving (analgesic), anti-inflammatory (anti-phlogistic) effect, stimulates blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. The sonication can take place as a continuous sound as well as an impulse sound, a treatment series includes about 6-8 sessions (about 2-3x/week) of about 10 minutes. It is mainly used for: 2-3x/week) of about 10 minutes. It is mainly used for: 2-3x/week) of about 10 minutes. It is mainly used for:

  • Inflammatory and non-inflammatory joint and spine diseases
  • rheumatic complaints
  • after accidents (bruise, strains, etc.)
  • Tennis elbow, golfer's elbow
  • Adhesion, scar contractures, M. Sudeck, M. Dupytren


Electroplating is a treatment process in which current is applied in the same direction and with the same intensity (= constant direct current). Direct currents only flow in one direction, once chosen. The intensity and course of the direct current in the body are determined by the electrical conductivity and the type of tissue (fat tissue, muscle tissue, etc.). Its effect: Significant increase in blood circulation in the skin and the entire area through which it flows, expansion of the capillaries (smallest vessels), improvement of metabolic processes through better cell nutrition and accelerated purification, pain relief as a result of increased blood circulation, anti-inflammatory through regeneration of the tissue.


Taping is a treatment method in which special, elastic plaster adhesive tape (tape) is attached to the skin using various techniques. Various effects are attributed to the tapes. These include, for example, reducing pain and swelling, stabilizing the joints, improving muscle function and relieving tension. Taping can be used for muscle strains, knee problems, back pain, tension, joint problems or to prevent sports injuries.

Foot reflexology

Foot reflexology is also called foot reflexology. Like all types of reflex zone massage, it is one of the so-called mood swing therapies. The foot reflex zone massage is based on the idea that the feet are connected to all organs of the body via nerve tracts. For example, the area under the big toe is said to be connected to the brain hemisphere on the same side, while a certain area on the ball of the left foot is said to be connected to the heart. If pain occurs in the corresponding areas even with slight pressure, this should indicate a disease or functional disorder of the corresponding organ. A massage of the areas should alleviate symptoms and stimulate the self-healing powers. Locally, the foot reflex zone massage improves blood circulation and peripheral lymphatic drainage.

PRP (Platlet Rich Plasma)

A form of therapy to treat diseases of the joints, ligaments, tendons or muscles. Both conditions caused by wear and tear, such as arthrosis, and the consequences of injuries can be treated. The use of autologous blood and autologous blood products has a long, scientifically based tradition in reconstructive surgery of the tooth, mouth and jaw area. The use of thrombocyte-rich plasma is based on the knowledge that thrombocytes release growth factors during blood coagulation, which have a positive influence on the healing process, wound healing and regeneration processes in defects can be accelerated. To prepare a PRP preparation, a small amount of blood is taken from the patient's arm vein. This whole blood is then separated into its components in a centrifuge. The resulting platelet concentrate (PRP preparation) is then injected into the joint or the injured area.